Student Health Services
At Health Services we are pleased to be able to meet your child’s health needs during the current school term.
Remember that all medications brought to school for administration during school hours MUST be accompanied by a physician’s order and parent/guardian permission signature. You may obtain the necessary forms from Health Services. Any medications that are administered routinely at home should be mentioned to the nurse so that observations can be made re. side effects, adverse reactions, etc. This information is maintained as confidential.
Headlice are always an annoying problem is school communities. You can help in keeping the infestations to a minimum by checking your child’s scalp at least weekly. Look for tiny wingless bugs that may crawl quickly through the scalp or small pearly oval egglike structures that are attached to the hair shaft and must be pulled from the hair to be removed. If these signs are noted, please treat the hair and home furnishings as instructed on any headlice product available. If you have questions or concerns, please call Health Services.
We will be doing vision and hearing screenings as required by state mandate for the following students:
Hearing Screenings:
- K–3rd graders, new students, students with Individual Education plans, teacher and parent referrals.
Vision Screenings:
- K, 2nd, & 8th graders, new students, students with Individual Education plans, teacher and parent referrals.
Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating than an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months. If a current vision examination report is not on file at the school, your child, if mandated, will be screened.
Please remember that some of our students have food allergies. Before bringing snacks to school check with the teacher to see if any foods should be avoided. Also, think “healthy” when bringing those snacks, avoiding high sugar/high fat products if possible. We want to encourage healthy lifestyles for our youngsters.
As always, we want to thank you for your assistance and support in keeping our students healthy. Please call Health Services @ 643-2328 ext. 2120 with any questions or concerns.