District Information

    Hamilton County Unit 10 Philosophy of Education

    The primary function of Hamilton County Community Unit District No. 10 is to serve the children of our community by providing them with a comprehensive education that is adapted to the differences among people, their vocational interests and aspirations, and their abilities in order to enable all students to become contributing members of our democratic society.

    In order to achieve this primary function, Unit No. 10 maintains continuous processes and updates curriculum and materials accordingly so that students acquire the basic skills necessary to function effectively. Emphasis is placed on preparing students to react responsibly to changes in our global society. Unit No. 10 works cooperatively with community resources, area colleges, and universities to acquaint students with ever changing careers and technologies.

    It is the responsibility of the school, home, and community to work cooperatively to help all students develop an understanding and a respect for themselves as well as for the integrity, opinions, dignity, and worth of others in their daily lives.

    Unit No. 10’s motto, “In Search of Excellence”, reflects continuing efforts to implement this philosophy.


    Hamilton County Unit #10 School District employs approximately the following staff:

    • Full-time Certified 94

    • Part-time Certified 2

    • Full-time Non-Certified 106

    • Part-time Non-Certified 19

    • Total Individuals 221

    Freedom of Information

    The Superintendent is designated by the Board of Education to serve as the district Freedom of Information Officer. A request for inspection and/or copies of public records must be made in writing and may be submitted by personal delivery, mail, fax, or e-mail directed to the Freedom of Information Officer. The Officer or their designee shall approve requests for public records unless: (1) the material doesn’t exist; (2) it is exempt from the inspection/copying by law; or (3) is unduly burdensome.

    Within 5 business days after receipt of the request for access to a public record the Officer shall comply with or deny the request. Rules and procedures beyond the 5 days can be obtained from the Officer. No fees shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized paper. Copying fees for copies above 50 pages will be reasonably calculated to reimburse the District’s actual cost for reproducing records, but will not exceed $0.15 per copy. By law, there are numerous exemptions that are not able to be released to the public and this list can also be obtained from the Officer or their designee. A list of immediately available public records can be obtained at the district office.

    Requests for inspection and/or copying of public records should be directed as follows:

    Freedom of Information Officer Travis McCollum, Superintendent Hamilton County Unit #10 Schools 804 Golf Course Road P.O. Box 369 McLeansboro, IL 62859

    Phone: 618-643-2328 Fax: 618-643-2015 E-mail: mccollumt@unit10.com